
Our Vision

Science is a subject that offers opportunities for curiosity and wonder. It helps children make sense of the world around them and build an interest in how everything around us works and why – whether this be on Earth or beyond. Science helps children to seek answers to why we live like we do and to consider further questions to help seek more of an understanding about our lives.

At Hartwell Primary School, we share this vision of science and it is the pinnacle of our teaching. We create keen investigators who want to learn more about their lives and seek answers to questions that many of us want to know. Through our Hartwell-inspired curriculum, children become inquisitive and excited scientists who follow and lead enquiries to understand our fascinating universe that still to this very day we are finding out about. We aim for all children to leave Hartwell with not only an understanding about the universe and what is in it, but also with an appreciation of how it works and how science will affect the future on a personal, global and universal scale. We also aim to build vital team-working and thinking skills that can be applied to school-life and beyond, helping children to succeed and find their place in society.

The Subject Leader

To ensure that science is effective, I monitor teaching and learning in the school through lesson observations, book scrutinies and pupil voice. Such actions enable me to see what is effective and what areas can be improved further. I look to support our team at Hartwell by investing in opportunities to make science as engaging and exciting as possible – whether this be high-quality resources or wider projects that our school community can participate in. This ensures lessons can be planned with excitement as well as promote science outside of the classroom’s walls. Finally, I participate in CPD courses and use what I have learnt to support staff to ensure teaching and learning is high-quality and relevant to our school’s needs. This may be through 1-to-1 meetings, or through wider staff meetings. I aim to create an relationship with everyone at Hartwell that helps them to know that I can support them with anything to do with science so that our teaching and learning is the best it can be.

Pupil Voice

At Hartwell Primary School, we believe that the children’s views are valuable towards our provision of Science as it can support us in understanding the effectiveness of our teaching and learning. This is our most recent pupil survey results and analysis:

Please click here to see our Pupil Voice.

SMSC in Science

Please click here to see our SMSC in Science.

Please click here to see our Science Development Plan for 2023-24.

The Science Curriculum at Hartwell

At Hartwell Primary School, year groups focus on their specific objectives based on the National Curriculum (NC). Topics, such as ‘Materials and Properties’ are covered across many year groups with each year group building on prior learning. Some topics, such as ‘Evolution’ in Year 6, are covered solely in their year group. Many topics have a cross-curricular role and will be taught alongside other subjects to help strengthen knowledge and learning, such as in Year 4 where children learn about the human digestive system and explain its process through instruction writing. Science may also be taught as a stand-alone lesson or through a targeted Science day to ensure breadth and depth are covered and quality coverage of NC objectives. All lessons are planned too considering the ‘Working Scientifically’ content of the NC. Each Key Stage too have their own specific ‘Working Scientifically’ areas which contribute towards how enquiries and investigations are carried out in lessons to answer questions. However, all of the above is driven by our intention of making Science enjoyable. Teachers plan carefully to make all lessons are accessible for all and leave children feeling that they want to find out more.

National Curriculum

The objectives for Science in KS1 and KS2 are clearly set out for each year group in the National Curriculum. They are as follows in the National Curriculum programme of study:

Early Years Foundation Stage

Science is taught widely across in Reception as part of the children’s learning. Science contributes significantly towards many of the Early Learning Goals (ELGs), such as ‘Understanding the World’, with the children participating in many activities that are linked to their topics in the term. These can include investigations, such as “What makes a rocket fly?” when studying ‘Space’ and wider experiences that include visits in to local environment and visitors to our classroom. The children are also given opportunities to carry out their own scientific enquiries through a specific ‘Science Station’ in our learning environment, which includes resources that children can access to inspire curiosity about the world around.

Please click here to see our Long-Term Map (2023-24) for Science

Please click here to see our progression document that our staff use.

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