Our C of E Status
Hartwell Church of England School is a Voluntary Controlled Primary School and, recognising its historic foundation, the school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England.
This includes respecting other faiths and working in partnership with the church in the parish of St John the Baptist, Hartwell and at diocesan level.
Our school vision is inclusive of all and reflects that all our children are well prepared to be active citizens and 'experience life in all it's fullness', (John 10:10)
Collective Worship
Collective Worship is a daily act of worship that brings the school community together. It is distinctively Christian and promotes the spiritual development of all.
Collective Worship is carefully planned to reflect our school's vision and values; British Values and current society; Biblical stories and texts, and celebrate what is wonderful at our school. Our acts of worship are conducted in a range of ways. Further details of this can be found in our Collective Worship Policy.
Ethos Team
To support the distinctive Christian nature of our school, we have an Ethos Team. The members of our Ethos Team are as follows:
Katharine Banham-Hall (Chair and parent)
Ian Messenger (Foundation Governor)
Fi Messenger (Archway Trust)
Jac Johnson (Headteacher)
There are also numerous volunteers who support the team, including members of the Archway Trust, Denise Brack (Church Warden) and Margaret Ball (Safeguarding governor).
Prayer Spaces
Each term the Ethos Team provide the whole school community the opportunity to be part of a Prayer Space.
Prayer Spaces are usually held at the church and parents/family members are welcome to join us. Our Prayer Spaces provide opportunities for children to explore spirituality and faith beyond the curriculum. Each Prayer Space has a theme linked to the church calendar, our Christian School Values or a current issue that is of interest to the children, for example, Climate Change/Care for our World.