Subject Leader: Mrs T Aldous
Our vision
At Hartwell, our vision is that every one of our children is equipped with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society when they leave our school. We want our children to be excited about their own lives and those of others, be compassionate, confident and assertive members of the world.
At Hartwell, we use a PSHE programme of study – SCARF (Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship) to support our teaching. The SCARF programme of study is fully in line with the learning outcomes and core themes of the PSHE Association scheme of work. It covers all the required objectives and follows the three core areas of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. It also fulfils the requirements of the 2020 Statutory Relationship and Health Education which enables all pupils to build good, safe and healthy relationships now and in their future lives.
Lessons are taught through a variety of teaching and learning styles such as role-play, storytelling and games and these are extremely effective when engaging pupils, making learning purposeful and have positive feedback from the pupils. In addition to this, elements of PSHE are taught subtly and embedding throughout in every contact made in or out of school, with every child, peer and adult.
The subject leader
As a subject leader, I work hard to ensure that PSHE is a cornerstone within Hartwell’s curriculum, developing key life skills for all children throughout their educational journey and beyond. As subject leader, I facilitate this through learning walks to see quality PSHE lessons being delivered; by carrying out pupil voice surveys to ensure we have the children’s view of PSHE and the requirement of their needs and through regular book monitoring which enables me to see the quality of work and how learning is being implemented every week at our school. I also ensure that parents are kept up to date with changes to the curriculum and content being delivered in our RSE lessons.
Pupil voice
We believe that it is important to gather the children’s views about PSHE, which can in return guide our provision. Please click here to see our most recent pupil survey results and analysis:
Spiritual development: We explore the beliefs and experiences of ourselves and others; discuss the importance of respecting all beliefs and faiths; learn about and discuss our feelings and values and those of others.
Moral development: We learn about and discuss things that are right and wrong; learn about the law and the importance of it; begin to consider our actions and the consequence of them; consider, discuss and debate ethical issues; offer reasoned views.
Social development: We consider all of the groups and communities that we are part of; participate in our local community; learn how to resolve conflict; engage with the British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.
Cultural development: We become aware of cultural influences; learn about the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.
PSHE School Development Plan 2022-2023
The PSHE Curriculum at Hartwell
At Hartwell, the National Curriculum objectives are split into 6 topics over the course of the year. These include: ME and My Relationships, Valuing differences, Keeping Myself Safe, Rights and Responsibilities, Being My Best and Growing and Changing. We also have PSHE focus days where we include key National Curriculum objectives such as Anti Bullying, Online Safety and Wellbeing. The PSHE curriculum is designed to offer breadth and depth in both knowledge and skills. We feel this best prepares our children for their futures. This is in line with our school vision that every child leaves Hartwell Primary School equipped our with the knowledge, understanding, skills and strategies required to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.
The objectives for PSHE in KS1 and KS2 are clearly set out for each year group in the National Curriculum and are referred to as three core themes (Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and living in the wider world- economic wellbeing and being a responsible citizen).
Key Stage 1
In Key Stage 1, the children learn how to identify and name some feelings (for example through interpreting facial expressions) and express some of their positive qualities. They learn how to demonstrate and manage some feelings in a positive and effective way. They begin to share their views and opinions (for example talking about fairness). They can set themselves simple goals (for example sharing toys).
Children learn how to make simple choices about some aspects of their health and well-being (for example by choosing between different foods and between physical activities, knowing that they need sun protection) and know what keeps them healthy (for example exercise and rest). They learn ways of keeping clean (for example by washing their hands and keeping their hair tidy) and they are taught the main parts of the body. We equip children to talk about the harmful aspects of some household products and medicines, and describe ways of keeping safe in familiar situations (for example knowing how and where to cross the road safely). Children also build on the understanding of lifecycles and can explain that people grow from young to old.
The children learn that that bullying is wrong and are taught some ways to get help in dealing with it. They can recognise the effect of their behaviour on other people, and can cooperate with others (for example by playing and working with friends or classmates). They can identify and respect differences and similarities between people, and can explain different ways that family and friends should care for one another (for example telling a friend that they like them, showing concern for a family member who is unwell).
Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 2, the children are taught to recognise their own worth and that of others (for example by making positive comments about themselves and classmates). They learn how to express their views confidently and listen to and show respect for the views of others. The children are taught to identify positive ways to face new challenges (for example the transition to secondary school). They discuss some of the bodily and emotional changes at puberty, and can demonstrate some ways of dealing with these in a positive way. The children learn about a range of jobs, and explain how they will develop skills to work in the future. The children are taught how to look after and save money.
The children are taught how to make choices about developing healthy lifestyles (for example by knowing the importance of a healthy diet and regular exercise). They explore factors that affect emotional health and well-being (for example exercise or dealing with emotions) and they are taught to make judgements and decisions and can list some ways of resisting negative peer pressure around issues affecting their health and wellbeing. The children are taught about commonly available substances and drugs that are legal and illegal, and describe some of the effects and risks of these. The children are taught to identify and explain how to manage the risks in different familiar situations (for example discussing issues connected to personal safety).
We teach the children to that actions have consequences for themselves and others and they are taught about the nature and consequences of bullying, and discuss ways of responding to it. The children can identify different types of relationship (for example marriage or friendships), and explore ways to maintain good relationships (for example listening, supporting, caring). They are taught to respond to, or challenge, negative behaviours such as stereotyping and aggression. The children explore different beliefs and values in society, and are taught about respect and tolerance towards people different from themselves.
Please click here to see our Long Term Map
RSE Curriculum
Our PSHE Unit for the Summer Term is Changes for Years 1 - 6. Please click on the unit overviews below for the objectives and vocabulary being covered and some conversations you could have at home.
Reception Curriculum information
Useful RSE websites
Please click here to see a 5 ways to wellbeing family guide
Please click here to see our RSE Consultation Results, Spring 2022
Please click here to see a guide of what RSE is
Please click here to see Government RSE Guide for Parents
Please click here to see information about answering awkward questions
To see our the progression document that all staff use
Progression Vocabulary Lists for Ks1, LKS2 and UKS2
Early Years Foundation Stage
At Hartwell, there are many opportunities within everyday situations in Reception that develop children's PSHE development. These include the children building friendships, sharing experiences, playing games/turn-taking and taking part in regular circle time activities to develop their social skills and listen to others. Within the EYFS, we teach PSHE skills as integral parts of the topic work covered during the year. The objective that underpins this learning can be found in the Early Learning Goals (ELGs). PSHE makes a significant contribution to the ELG 'Personal, Social and Emotional Development', which focuses on enhancing self-regulation of ones behaviour and feelings, managing self (including hygiene) and building relationships. This is achieved through activities such as storytime and role-play. This is encouraged both in whole-class teaching and through independent activities, for example cleaning babies at a hygiene station when learning about ourselves. The children are also given the chance to discuss their own thoughts, opinions and experiences through activities that relate to real-life experiences. For example, one activity we focus on is learning about our safe and trustworthy adults and recognising who we can talk too when we have difficulties. This makes a contribution to the ELG of 'Communication and Language', giving children the knowledge and skills to build their vocabulary and communicative skills to peers and adults.
Useful web links
The contribution of PSHE to teaching in other curriculum areas
In English, our writing allows us to explore texts from different perspectives, we often re-write chapters as a different character, write diary entries as a particular character and use hot-seating to question the characters within the texts. These activities in our English lesson consolidate our PSHE learning by allowing us to focus on the feelings of the characters and empathise with them.
Many of the units within the PSHE syllabus make strong links to our Science learning particularly in terms of children’s health; these include the importance of healthy eating and understanding a balanced diet, being aware of the food groups and their importance within the diet. Children also learn about their personal hygiene (including oral care), the spread of germs and diseases and ways to prevent these.
Physical Education
A significant element of PSHE is children being aware of how to look after their bodies and understanding how their bodies are affected by different activities. Through physical education lessons children are not only taught the physical aspect but also begin to learn about what their bodies are doing during the lessons. Children begin to be aware of how their body works whilst exercising, understanding the effects that physical activity has on their body and how these can benefit them.
History and Geography
Throughout history and geography teaching at Hartwell children explore a range of different eras and localities and through these units children are shown how life was or could be. Children are encouraged to think about how they would feel in a range of different time periods, contexts are areas and compare to everyday life now and share their own views. Lots of discussions through history and geography lessons, sharing opinions and taking into consideration other people’s views contributes to the teaching of PSHE.
Online safety, e-safety and bullying are all pertinent area of both the PSHE curriculum and computing curriculum. In addition to themed events, specific teaching enables children to feel safe online and understand how they and others can be influenced, raising their awareness of positive and negative relationships, how to stay safe and who to speak to if they feel concerned.
Art and Design and Technology
Fundamental life skills are often taught in these curricular areas, in addition to the appreciation of other’s artwork and different skill bases. Through the design process and reflection, children are able to share their opinions, build on positive skills and apply them in a creative manner that allows them to be culture their own diverse skill base.
Lessons and activities are planned to include all children by using a range of approaches. This includes: questioning, use of resources, and mixed ability grouping to enable children to offer peer support. Lessons are planned to facilitate the best possible outcome for all children within the class.
Enrichment Activities and Educational Visits
At Hartwell, we have many days throughout the academic year which have a focus on PSHE. In addition to these, many educational visits incorporate elements of PSHE and develop children within their own local area, community and areas further afield. They are given many varied opportunities to develop their skills in the wider environment and these hands-on life-lessons ensure increasing confidence for all children.
Anti-bullying week – we learn to value that each of us is different but we are all equal, we celebrate this by odd socks day, an assembly and focused PSHE lessons throughout the week to support this.
SOCKS - we support a local charity by dressing up and raising money, we invite in workers from the charity to share the work that they do.
Children in Need – we support this charity by having a spotty dressing up day, a focused assembly, taking part in a cake sale and holding a raffle.
Termly educational visits and residential visits provide opportunities for children to engender and practise their skills of citizenship, confidence and support increasing self-esteem.